Nothing too exciting about today's run other than we did it.
I don't think either one of us were mentally prepared for 12 miles today but we did it and we actually finished well. My dad did a lot of running during the week, which was much better than I can say for myself. My only run during the week was on Monday when my knee failed me and I ended up walking most of the way in much frustration. I was so scared to go out and do 12 miles when I hadn't really done any exercising during the week. I need to psych myself out to go and do these big runs and I didn't do any psyching.
But...we went out there. We hopped on the trail. We ran. And ran. And ran. We ran from my house and took the trail all the way to Syracuse's Jensen Nature Park then ran the trail all the way back through West Point and had to still run in a neighborhood to get the distance we needed.
My knee didn't bother me at all. I did take 3 Advil before the run and I had been icing it all week. I wore a knee band as well. I am also going to start taking Glucosamine. Hopefully all of this will help my knees have minimal injury. That is the scary thing of all this. I really don't want to put this much time and effort into training for a marathon and then not be able to do it because of a bum knee.
We have been carrying water on all runs that are more than 6 miles but today we threw in some Gu. We took one Gu before we started and again at 6 miles. This really helped give us a boost of energy that we needed. We will be taking more Gu as the distances get longer. My Dad also needs to pack more water. He drinks it like he is a camel. We have decided that he is probably going to have to carry a water belt during the marathon because I don't think he can wait around for the water stations. He drinks so much that he ends up dipping into my supply. :)
We are trying to figure out what works for us as far as water and energy supplements. We are learning that there is a lot more to running than just putting on a pair of shoes and putting one foot in front of the other. When you are running these distances you have to be prepared and really ready for anything. We carry water, Gu, other snacks, toilet paper for that just-in-case moment. We are also learning that running really isn't all that cheap. Sure, once you have the basic supplies it is just upkeep and upgrades but everything is so expensive. Shoes are $100 or more. My cold-weather outfit was not cheap (although this is from the last marathon I ran so I would say I am getting my money's worth). Water belts. Running watch. Music player if you are like me and need background noise. Knee bands if you have bummer knees. Gu I just found out is NOT cheap. Entry fees to runs add up quick. Ugh.
OK these are just a few things we are learning with each passing run. But, at the end, it is worth it!
Distance: 12.02
Time: 2:02:04
Pace: 10:09/min/mile
Temperature: 35 degrees
Time of Day: 1:25 p.m.