The goal on our road trip was to get in a few runs. We got in 1. Nice. To our defense, it was REALLY humid. But a better excuse was that we were just too tired to get our butts out of bed. I'm glad we at least ran once because even though I lost 10 pounds of water it was a really cool run.
My mom, aunt Kathy & aunt Jodi ran part of the way with us and then made their way back. Tom and I ran out to the lake to see if any of our family would be awake and then we headed back and zig zagged through town while Tom told me stories of the "olden days".
It was a cool run because we started out in the quaint city of Perham and ran out to the lake which felt really country. Tom chatted with a cousin who was the only one awake while I jumped in the lake to cool off. Before we left back to town I had my dad's cousin squirt me down with the hose! It was that sweaty. We headed back into town and made our way through the neighborhood. Our pace reflects our walking through town.
My mom, aunt Kathy & aunt Jodi ran part of the way with us and then made their way back. Tom and I ran out to the lake to see if any of our family would be awake and then we headed back and zig zagged through town while Tom told me stories of the "olden days".
It was a cool run because we started out in the quaint city of Perham and ran out to the lake which felt really country. Tom chatted with a cousin who was the only one awake while I jumped in the lake to cool off. Before we left back to town I had my dad's cousin squirt me down with the hose! It was that sweaty. We headed back into town and made our way through the neighborhood. Our pace reflects our walking through town.
Date: 7/17/2011
Distance: 7.95 miles
Time: 1:34:13
Pace: 11:52/min/mile
Temperature: 75 with 94% humidity!
Time of day: 6:22 a.m
I forgot to take pictures when we got back to the hotel so I stole some pics off the internet to show some of the things we saw.
Where Perham, MN is on the map

My grandma's house when she was a child. We stopped here and spoke with the current owner.
Awesome run. Too bad we only did it once. It was way too hot...even at 6am.