Distance: 3.1 miles
Time: 27:37.2
Pace: 8:54/min/mile
Temperature: 27 degrees
Time of day: 4:30 p.m.

I look like I am going to die because I couldn't stop coughing after our run
You snooze you lose.
Can you believe it's been 11 years since the Ogden Marathon began taking registration for its first race? Now, the popular Top of Utah race is overflowing with praise for its course, its volunteers and its entries.
Wednesday, the GOAL Foundation announced the 2011 Zion's Bank Ogden Marathon was officially closed. The half marathon sold out in just five days, while the full marathon following in only 14 days.
Registration opened Oct. 1 and reached its 5,700-runner capacity 14 days later.
Organizers say there are spots still available for team registration, the Kimberly-Clark 5K and the KidsK. For information, visit www.ogdenmarathon.com
My dad insists on doing the "2 & 6" with our fingers