There are no words to describe our 17 mile run. Oh wait. Actually there are MANY words to describe this run. By the time we got to the starting line we were seriously thinking we weren't meant to do this run.
First of all we were gearing ourselves up for a slow and easy run. Tom just got back from Hawaii and even though he still ran while on vacation, I was worried that he would be a little jet lagged from the long overnight flight home. We put off the run until Monday just so we could give him as much time as possible to recover from the vacation and flight.
We had heard from a fellow runner that a great run to do was to start at the top of 193 near mountain road. Side note: I always thought 193 was Hillfield road, but it isn't. It is actually called Bernard Fisher Hwy. Hill Field rd is a completely different road. All these years I have been calling 193 Hillfield (one word) road. Anyways....then she said to run it all the way down until you hit the bottom. She laughed and said it was a fast run because it is mostly downhill but you get your miles in. This was EXACTLY the type of run we needed at this time.
When you start running this many miles there is some serious planning involved, especially when you have kids. I made Jeremy not carpool so he could get home earlier than he normally does. I had my sister Stacey come over so she could watch my kids until Jeremy got home. I told my dad to be at my house at 2:00 so we could get started by 2:30. The day was beautiful and I was ready to go, even a little excited. That quickly disappeared.
The negative signs started rolling in...
2:00 came and went and no dad at my house. I called and he hadn't even left his house yet. Got caught up doing something for work.
Earlier that day he had gone and bought a double bottled running belt. When he showed up I quickly realized it wasn't going to work. I also realized we were running low on GU. Up to Striders we went to buy a belt and more GU. The lady behind the counter took FOREVER and we were in the store way longer than we needed to be.
Finally we were off to the starting line when of course we both needed to go to the bathroom. We made a quick stop at Chevron where for once I beat a man out of the bathroom. After what seemed like forever my dad comes out. I asked what took him so long and he said that they were out of toilet paper and he didn't know what to do. He looked over to the sink just praying it wasn't an air dryer. Luckily, and unluckily, it wasn't. It was paper. He said his butt was now raw. ewww I know. After that he was questioning if we were meant to do this run.
We got up to the starting line of our run and it takes my dad I swear 10 minutes to get his new running belt situated. When we got out of the car the nice, warm, sunny day had turned into a cold and windy one. We were, however, being looked after because we both somehow brought our running pants just in case. We changed in the car and got out ready to go.
We took off heading west on 193 making our way along the busy road. I was nervous about the traffic, especially because by the time we finally got started traffic was getting heavy. But there was no reason to worry. The road was surprisingly wide and cars didn't get near us. We did have to stop for a few stop lights which was probably a good thing cuz I used the time to stretch. We hit Clearfield (i think we were in clearfield) around mile 6 and my right knee was starting to hurt. I could not believe my luck. We still had more than 10 miles to cover and I was wondering if I was going to have to call Jeremy to come get me. I adjusted my knee brace and finally took it off altogether. Luckily the pain came and went so I was able to keep pushing on. My dad was looking great but around mile 10 we stopped talking to each other. We were in focus mode. Our pace dropped dramatically and I didn't even care. All we wanted to do was finish. We were getting close to the 14 mile mark when a second wind hit me (maybe GU really does work). My dad was excited because he was feeling better than he did when we did the 14 mile run. However, once we hit mile 15 he started losing steam. Luckily my second wind was going strong and I was able to yell, um I mean encourage him along.
FINALLY we hit the 17 mile finish line. As we hobbled into my house Jeremy took one look at us and busted up laughing. He asked if we thought this was all worth it. We literally both fell to the floor. My knees instantly seized up and it was really hard to even stand. I felt mentally and physically ok other than my knees, but it is funny how your body just knows you are done. My dad said he felt a lot better than he did after the 14-miler. You wouldn't know it by the way we were moaning on the floor.
Distance: 17 miles
Time: 3:00:44
Pace: 10:38/min/mile
Temperature: I think it was a windy 45 at the start
Time of day: 3:50 p.m
Distance: 17 miles
Time: 3:00:44
Pace: 10:38/min/mile
Temperature: I think it was a windy 45 at the start
Time of day: 3:50 p.m
My dad trying to figure out his gear