Saturday, April 21, 2012

Running Sluggish

This week it was just Todd and I. Yesterday Todd wanted to run the hills and I thought, sure why not? Well I soon discovered why not. I was sooo not into it. Maybe it was because I was still suffering from our failed 23 or maybe I just didn't like hills anymore or maybe I just wasn't in the mood. It was a number of things.

He started out at my parents' house and I started from Cami's house. I met him somewhere in the middle and we took off. It was supposed to be 10 miles of a route I have covered many times before. My problem started when my body just wouldn't warm up. I felt stiff, sore and like I was hauling bricks. Todd on the other hand was out to prove something. Probably because he knew it was his fault we didn't do 23 last week. hehe ;)

By the time we reached the Dee Events Center Todd was far ahead and I just didn't want to continue. I called him on his phone and told him I was heading home. But as he continued to go I thought to myself I can't just quit. So I took a short cut and hopped back on the route where I knew Todd would end up. When he caught up to me we continued with our route around McKay Dee hospital and up Glassman Way. Todd was always ahead of me but at least I pushed on. By the time we ended up at my mom and dad's house Todd had done 10 strong miles and I had done 7. I will take it considering how crappy I felt.

Todd made the comment about how funny it is that we all have different weeks where we are on and having a great run and other weeks where we just can't get going.

No pictures or stats of this run.

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