Friday, April 29, 2011

Runnin' with Sis

This mornin' I went out for a slow jog with my sister Stacey. She just had a baby but she is signed up for the Ragnar Relay and needs to get out there and train. It was perfect because I didn't want to go too far or too fast. Since I just got done running the 30k last Saturday and knew I had a 23 miler coming up I didn't want to push it too hard. We just did a loop around the streets of Syracuse down by the golf course.


Distance: 3.66
Time: 41:01
Pace: 11:13/min/mile
Temperature: ? chilly
Time of day: 10:30 a.m.

(Feelin' Good)

(Feelin' Stiff)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Striders Winter Racing Circuit 30k

Yesterday Tom and I completed the final race in the racing circuit, a 30k. This time we were much better prepared. We knew it was going to be cold so we dressed better. We also took throw away sweat shirts to wear before and during the first part of the race. This saved me. I was able to stretch and start the race without shivering. We threw our sweat shirts at mile marker 2 and picked them up after the race.

Overall this run went much better than the half marathon. We both said that during the half marathon it seemed like we were always playing catch up with our breathing. Even during our walk breaks it just seemed like we were always breathing harder than normal. This time we made sure we took off slow at the start and we actually stretched a bit before the start. It also helped that we had kind of a big group we were running with. With everyone talking the time went by faster.

Now it wouldn't be a true "daddy daughter" run if we didn't have problems. This time the problem was all about me. It started at mile two. I was running with Betty and suddenly felt the urge to pee. A really strong urge. Now let me back up. I am known to have to pee a lot so I now no longer drink much before a race because I want to get it all out before the race. But for some reason by mile two I was really feeling it. Oh another piece of back story: I have always looked at those people who stop at the porta potties along the course with pity. I have always felt sorry for them because I knew they were wasting time waiting in line to use the bathroom. And even though I always have to pee during a race I make myself hold it until the end. I remember running my last marathon with a full bladder. Every time I start running it just feels like I need to go. But this time was different. I KNEW I could NOT hold it. We were only at mile two and the urge was stronger than normal. Luckily Betty had just given me a long story about how everyone has to pull off every now and then and it isn't a big deal. So I felt encouraged that I too could "pull off" and it wouldn't kill my time. Well I didn't want to truly "pull off". I wanted to make it to the porta potty. I prepped my brain that no matter how many people were in line I would wait to relieve myself otherwise I knew I couldn't finish this race. Then around 2.5 I could see people in the distance running behind some trees. I thought to myself wow, there must be a really good hiding place back there. Then I saw it. A recreational bathroom. I was so excited that I wasn't going to have to wait another half mile. I said goodbye to Betty and my dad and just took off racing down the road towards the bathroom. I got to the bathroom only to discover they were CLOSED. Oh my gosh. I was so mad. But now I was down there and had taken so much energy to get there I decided I didn't care. I was going to "pull off" for the first time in a race (i say in a race because this doesn't mean i have never pulled off in just my every day running but that's another story). I wanted to get a little farther off the road so I went behind the men's bathroom only to run into a guy standing there peeing. Talk about embarrassing. But I put that aside and once he was gone I did my thing. Then I was off to catch up to my dad.

I was so proud of myself for taking care of business and not ruining my time. I was able to catch up to my dad and start enjoying the run. That was until mile 6. Yep. I had to pee again. I was like what is wrong with me. Luckily I didn't have to wait long and got right in a potty. Back on the trail we go. By mile 9 I was seriously considering hopping into another potty but there was a line and I forced myself to run past them. I couldn't believe how much I had to pee. During this walk break my IT band started throbbing. Luckily Ron had some Tylenol on hand and I took 2 without water. After forcing down the Tylenol I realized my dad was no where to be found. I looked ahead and he was rounding a corner up ahead. Ron told me to go catch him. So that is what I did. When I finally did catch up I realized I should have stopped at the mile 9 porta potty. Just as I was telling my dad I definitely would need to stop at the mile 15 potty, I spotted a porta potty on someone's property. I took off like a bullet. But guess what? I ended up sprinting to the mile 15 porta potty as well!!! What the heck was wrong with me I will never know. I wasn't drinking more than usual. The weather was cooler so I know I wasn't sweating out very much but that doesn't explain those early bathroom breaks.

I think if anything, I learned that it is OK to stop if you need to. And I am totally grateful it was a pee problem and not a poo problem. :) Running brings out a lot of information.


Distance: 30k (18.64 miles)
Time: 3:18:20
Pace: 10:38/min/mile
Temperature: 32 degrees
Time of day: 7:30 a.m.

I hate mornings and every time I have to wake up for a race I swear I will never do it again because I HATE waking up this early.

Here comes the finish line! RUNNING BUDDIES

One thing I have loved about running is the friends you make while running. It's so fun to meet new people who are all out to do what you are out to do: finish a run.

My aunt Jodi and mom ran their own course of about 12 miles and were at the finish line waiting for us to cross. We love that support.

Betty Yamashita. She went to school with my dad. She ran most of this race with us. We kind of leap frogged each other every time me and my dad stopped for a walk break. She was so good to encourage me and keep me going. She finished about a minute before us. She has ran so many marathons and is planning on running the Ogden. This race was her "warm up" run. She said she hasn't really been running much. I wonder how that would be to just go out and conquer 18 miles without even trying. She was fun to be with because everyone knew who she was.

Here comes Russie! I love this girl. I don't even know her but I really like her. We met while doing this circuit. This run was the longest she has ever done. She is signed up to do the half in Ogden but we are trying to talk her into doing the full because she is so close. We ran this race together up until around mile 9.
Ron & Russie. Ron ran the entire race with Russie. He is also trying to talk her into doing the Full. He is an awesome person to run with. He has ran so many marathons and ultras that he doesn't care how fast or slow he runs. He cheered us on the entire time. He is also a walking pharmacy. Anything you need, he has it. He supplied both me and Russie with pain meds on the run. Russie said she felt like she had her own personal cheerleader in Ron.
Russie and her hubby Jed
Shaylee Manning. I didn't see her during the race but found her at the end.
Natalie Anderson and her hubby Ken. I went to school with Natalie and she runs lightening fast. She finished women's 3rd overall in this circuit. I can't imagine running that fast.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tom's Replacement

Wow! Have I mentioned how hard it can be to train for a marathon? I mean unless you are a natural born runner, which I am clearly not, training takes a good part of your year, and, as the miles pile up, starts to get tiresome to plan.

The "plan" was for me and my dad to run around 10 miles last Sunday. We were going to do a hard hill run but because of my dad's hamstring injury he wanted to do something a little less strenuous. (Did I tell you he has had to start going to a physical therapist? Both my dad AND mom now get treatment for their running injuries) We decided to run from mountain road again and end at Jensen's Park in Syracuse. That would give us just over 10 miles.

Well, as I am learning, plans don't always happen. Last week my dad was in Reno for a trade show and even had a great run while he was there. He was so excited to get back into running after taking it easy for his leg. But on Friday he got a bloody nose that just wouldn't quit. As he tells it, the hotel room looked like a murder scene. He ended up in the ER where the doctor shoved nose tampons up his nostril and told him to keep it there for 3 to 4 days. Poor guy had to finish the trade show with white cotton hanging out of his nose. He flew home on Saturday and obviously he wasn't going to be able to do the run on Sunday as planned.

I felt bad for him but I really needed to get a run in. I hadn't had a good run since our half marathon race. I hadn't really done anything and needed to force myself to get back out there. My mom, being the trooper that she is, offered to take his place. She needed to get a long run in herself and said she would do our planned route with me. I thought this was perfect because she runs just a little slower than me and my dad and I knew this would help me keep at a slower pace. Since it has been like 2 weeks since my last run I was going to force myself to do the distance but didn't want to kill myself doing it by keeping our normal pace.

I told my mom to meet me at Jensen's Park where I would leave my car and she could drive us to the start line. Sunday ended up being a little rainy and if you know my mom then you know my mom and the cold do not get along. Well you can imagine the conversation we were having just getting her out to Syracuse. Oh you can't? Well let me paint the picture. Now keep in mind that it was 57 degrees but it had been raining off and on. Not a downpour mind you, just a little drizzle. 1 hour before our start time she calls me and says she doesn't know if she can run because of the rain. I instantly get frustrated and tell her yes she can because it isn't even cold and I am sooo mentally prepared for this run it HAS to happen and I CAN'T do it alone. She goes on and on about how she will try but she will bring her hooded jacket and of course her phone. You know, just in case she has to call my dad to come ALL THE WAY TO SYRACUSE to rescue her. As she starts driving to meet me she keeps calling and saying how one minute it is a downpour and the next it is sunny. I tell her I don't care what it is, just get here. By the time she arrives at Jensen's Park she has talked me into ditching our planned route and says we are just going to run the trails around the park. That way, if it really starts raining we can hurry back to the car. The whole time I am wondering what the heck is wrong with running in the rain. Especially when it isn't even cold. But that's my mom. She just can't handle being cold and in her mind being wet equals cold. She forgets that once you start running you get warm.

She steps out of the car and she is wearing her long pants that have a warm lining in them. These pants are perfect for 20 degree weather but she insists on wearing them always. If it was 20 degrees she would have had thermal underwear on under them. She also has on a thick long-sleeved running shirt. She agrees to ditch her hooded jacket because, "hey, it's not raining down here." I showed her how I was wearing a thin long-sleeved shirt over a short-sleeved shirt so I could easily transition once I warmed up. (when will she and my dad learn?) She also says that instead of doing 10 miles we should just do 5. I don't work like that. I need to know the plan and I stick to the plan. It is hard for me to re-route my brain when I have mentally prepared for something. Anyways....I let her have her way because I just wanted to get going.

And guess what? At exactly 2 minutes 14 seconds she is telling me that she is warm and she should have had on a short-sleeved shirt. At mile 2 she took off her shirt and started running in just her sports bra. At mile 7 she stopped to roll up her pants. **sigh**

Oh ya, around mile 1 I had asked her how far she really wanted to go and she told me to just keep going. So I picked a route in my mind that I knew would be between 8 & 9 miles. We ended up at exactly 9.

It did rain on us for about 1 of those 9 miles and my mom said she actually enjoyed it and was glad it happened because now she knows she can run in the rain. **double sigh** She even kept running in her sports bra because even with the rain, SURPRISE, it was still warm.

It was a good run for me. The first few miles I was really stiff. I could tell it had been awhile since my last run. Amazing how quickly your body forgets. My mom doesn't do the run/walk ratio like me and my dad, so I didn't do it either.

I love you mom. You are always great for a good laugh!


Distance: 9 miles
Time: 1:32:41
Pace: 10:17/min/mile
Temperature: 57 degrees
Time of day: 1:00 p.m.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Striders Winter Racing Circuit Half Marathon

It's been just over a week since we finished the 4th race of the 5-race circuit. I am a little behind on my journaling.

It was a half marathon up in the valley. This is the first half of the Ogden Marathon. It was great to see what we will be up against. We were bussed from the Red Moose Lodge to the starting line, Red Rock Outfitters Ranch.

First let me start out by saying that preparing what to wear for this race threw me off. The weather had been warm for the past few days and I knew it would be chilly at the start but figured after I got running it would be warm. So when I packed my bags to spend the night at my parents' house (i try to spend the night at their house before a race just so i don't have to get up any earlier than i absolutely have too) I brought two choices for shorts, capris and short shorts. For a shirt I just brought a short-sleeved shirt with my thin long-sleeved shirt as a just in case. I really thought I would be wearing the short shorts and short-sleeved shirt and didn't need to worry about bringing anything else. When we woke up early that morning I put on my carpris and short-sleeved shirt and headed out the door. When I got outside it was SO warm. 54 degrees at 5am warm! I wanted to go back in and change my capris to the shorts but my dad was riding me saying we were going to be late. All I have to say is LUCKILY I had brought my long-sleeved shirt in the car along with some gloves because it was freezing! I swear I never think ahead. I thought, well it is warm in Ogden so surely it will be a nice warm run. Nevermind the race is up in the valley where it was 20 degrees COLDER! Yes people. I am not kidding. I was so freaking cold. Thank goodness I left on my capris but really I was whining because I hadn't put on my pants and thick long-sleeved running shirt. I didn't even want to get out of the car. And I didn't. I sat in there with the heater on full blast until my dad dragged me to the bus. I hate being cold. Lesson learned: Just because it is warm at your house doesn't mean it is going to be warm at the starting line. Especially when you are climbing x number of feet in elevation. Have on hand different outfit options.

By the time we got to the starting line the sun had started to come up but it was still so cold. After using the port a john I stood next to a running truck trying to suck any heat off of it that I could. My dad found a friend and chit chatted the entire time. By the time they were calling us to get ready we realized we hadn't stretched at all. Hell, I couldn't. It was too cold to do anything.

The gun sounded and we were off. Now, you always try to take off slow at the start but it is really hard to do because you get caught up in the action of everything. Plus the start of this race was downhill, so we were going even faster than normal. My dad said he looked down and we were in the 7 min/mile range. I try not to look at my watch during this time. I just try to let my body do the work without any extra effort. If I am going a little faster because I am on a hill, I just try to enjoy it. Once the excitement slows down a bit and the road levels out then I back off on my speed. But not my dad. I think the watch really starts to freak him out because he instantly gets on me to slow down. But here is the funny part. He is always in front of me. He will yell to me that we need to slow down and I will say, Go ahead. But he just keeps on going. At one point, just after he was telling me I was going too fast, I slowed down to talk to a friend. We chatted for a bit and then I realized my dad was way ahead of me. I told my friend I needed to go because I needed to go slow down my dad. But for some reason when my dad huffs and puffs it is always my fault for going too fast.

So we get a few miles into the half marathon and suddenly my dad casually asks me what to do if his leg is cramping up. I tell him to stretch it. We keep running though. I ask him where it is hurting and he tells me. Finally I just stop running and make him stretch for a second. We continue running. He says his hamstring is still hurting. Lesson learned: Stretch, no matter how cold it is, before a run. One of my dad's friends (the guy who has run over 100 ultra and regular marathons) comes running up next to us. He quickly shows my dad a stretch to try. On our next walk break my dad does it. It seems to help a little but I tell my dad to continue stretching it throughout the race. He didn't complain too much about it but it is still hurting to this day. No one tells you how hard running is on your body.

Well, we continue doing our thing. We seem to get into a groove of our 5:1 running ratio. I never really felt like it was going great but I knew I could finish. I think it was the cold in the morning. It really threw off my attitude. My running felt heavy and I never really felt that zone I usually get into when I am running. Around mile 9, where there were some rolling hills, I decided my outer shirt needed to come off. I was just beginning to get a little too warm and I was hoping it would give me some extra energy to feel the cold air. Well I was smart enough to put on my shirts knowing that I might want to take off my outer shirt. I had threaded my ipod under both shirts and had my running number on my under shirt. So when the time came to take off the outer shirt all I did was lift it over my head and tie it around my waist. Before the race I told my dad to do the same thing but do you think he listened to me? NOPE! He always says his long-sleeved shirt keeps him warm but doesn't over heat him. You would think he would have learned after our 20-mile run that sometimes it is nice to not be wearing a long-sleeved shirt. So after he sees me take off my shirt he tells me he will want to do that within the next couple of walk breaks. We hit the 10 mile marker and he decides that he wants to take off his long-sleeved shirt. So while walking, he starts fiddling with things. Because he didn't prepare like I did, he has no idea where to start to get his shirt off. For heaven's sake, give me your hat and glasses I tell him. Next thing I know I am holding his short-sleeved shirt. He's trying to figure out what to do with his ipod when finally I walk over and yank it off his shirt. Then as he is attempting his long-sleeve removal he realizes his watch is TIGHTLY secured over the shirt. So now he is walking with one arm out of his shirt and the other arm stuck because of the watch. I am laughing at the show. He yanks on his watch and it goes flying across the street. He finally gets his shirt off just as a girl runs by and starts laughing. It was so funny. One guy said it looked like a yard sale was happening with him shedding everything. He FINALLY gets his short-sleeved shirt on and replaces his watch, which has stopped working because of the fall it took. I hand him back his hat and glasses and help him tie his shirt around his waist. Our 1 minute walk break turned into a 5 minute comedy show. What a production. Lesson learned: Be prepared for clothing changes while running.

The last mile is always hard. I think your mind just knows it is almost over and it starts mentally breaking down. It really starts getting hard for me. I always have to dig deep just to keep going. Somehow I need to work on that because the last mile is always killer, no matter the distance I just went. Once I round the corner and can spot the finish line is when I get a little mental push. The crowd and everyone yelling helps you find that extra energy to make it over the finish line. My mom and aunt Jodi had come up earlier to do a run of their own and we knew they were at the finish line so looking for them helped pass some time.

We didn't really have any goals except to finish strong. I wouldn't say I exactly finished strong but I did finish ok. It could have been worse but it could have been better. I am proud of our time, even with all the mishaps along the way. ;) We learned a lot of lessons during this run. Be Prepared pretty much sums it up.


Distance: 13.11 miles

Time: 2:10:05

Pace: 9:55/min/mile

Temperature: 37 degrees (it was COLD)

Time of day: 8:00 a.m.

Merrill and Adam Arnell. Merrill came in at 1:36:24 (7:21/min/mile). That is crazy to me!

Almost finished! Matt Bell, Me, Adam Arnell, Mike Merrill, Tom Dad's friends: Ron, Bill Sneddon, Tom, Me