Sunday, April 24, 2011

Striders Winter Racing Circuit 30k

Yesterday Tom and I completed the final race in the racing circuit, a 30k. This time we were much better prepared. We knew it was going to be cold so we dressed better. We also took throw away sweat shirts to wear before and during the first part of the race. This saved me. I was able to stretch and start the race without shivering. We threw our sweat shirts at mile marker 2 and picked them up after the race.

Overall this run went much better than the half marathon. We both said that during the half marathon it seemed like we were always playing catch up with our breathing. Even during our walk breaks it just seemed like we were always breathing harder than normal. This time we made sure we took off slow at the start and we actually stretched a bit before the start. It also helped that we had kind of a big group we were running with. With everyone talking the time went by faster.

Now it wouldn't be a true "daddy daughter" run if we didn't have problems. This time the problem was all about me. It started at mile two. I was running with Betty and suddenly felt the urge to pee. A really strong urge. Now let me back up. I am known to have to pee a lot so I now no longer drink much before a race because I want to get it all out before the race. But for some reason by mile two I was really feeling it. Oh another piece of back story: I have always looked at those people who stop at the porta potties along the course with pity. I have always felt sorry for them because I knew they were wasting time waiting in line to use the bathroom. And even though I always have to pee during a race I make myself hold it until the end. I remember running my last marathon with a full bladder. Every time I start running it just feels like I need to go. But this time was different. I KNEW I could NOT hold it. We were only at mile two and the urge was stronger than normal. Luckily Betty had just given me a long story about how everyone has to pull off every now and then and it isn't a big deal. So I felt encouraged that I too could "pull off" and it wouldn't kill my time. Well I didn't want to truly "pull off". I wanted to make it to the porta potty. I prepped my brain that no matter how many people were in line I would wait to relieve myself otherwise I knew I couldn't finish this race. Then around 2.5 I could see people in the distance running behind some trees. I thought to myself wow, there must be a really good hiding place back there. Then I saw it. A recreational bathroom. I was so excited that I wasn't going to have to wait another half mile. I said goodbye to Betty and my dad and just took off racing down the road towards the bathroom. I got to the bathroom only to discover they were CLOSED. Oh my gosh. I was so mad. But now I was down there and had taken so much energy to get there I decided I didn't care. I was going to "pull off" for the first time in a race (i say in a race because this doesn't mean i have never pulled off in just my every day running but that's another story). I wanted to get a little farther off the road so I went behind the men's bathroom only to run into a guy standing there peeing. Talk about embarrassing. But I put that aside and once he was gone I did my thing. Then I was off to catch up to my dad.

I was so proud of myself for taking care of business and not ruining my time. I was able to catch up to my dad and start enjoying the run. That was until mile 6. Yep. I had to pee again. I was like what is wrong with me. Luckily I didn't have to wait long and got right in a potty. Back on the trail we go. By mile 9 I was seriously considering hopping into another potty but there was a line and I forced myself to run past them. I couldn't believe how much I had to pee. During this walk break my IT band started throbbing. Luckily Ron had some Tylenol on hand and I took 2 without water. After forcing down the Tylenol I realized my dad was no where to be found. I looked ahead and he was rounding a corner up ahead. Ron told me to go catch him. So that is what I did. When I finally did catch up I realized I should have stopped at the mile 9 porta potty. Just as I was telling my dad I definitely would need to stop at the mile 15 potty, I spotted a porta potty on someone's property. I took off like a bullet. But guess what? I ended up sprinting to the mile 15 porta potty as well!!! What the heck was wrong with me I will never know. I wasn't drinking more than usual. The weather was cooler so I know I wasn't sweating out very much but that doesn't explain those early bathroom breaks.

I think if anything, I learned that it is OK to stop if you need to. And I am totally grateful it was a pee problem and not a poo problem. :) Running brings out a lot of information.


Distance: 30k (18.64 miles)
Time: 3:18:20
Pace: 10:38/min/mile
Temperature: 32 degrees
Time of day: 7:30 a.m.

I hate mornings and every time I have to wake up for a race I swear I will never do it again because I HATE waking up this early.

Here comes the finish line! RUNNING BUDDIES

One thing I have loved about running is the friends you make while running. It's so fun to meet new people who are all out to do what you are out to do: finish a run.

My aunt Jodi and mom ran their own course of about 12 miles and were at the finish line waiting for us to cross. We love that support.

Betty Yamashita. She went to school with my dad. She ran most of this race with us. We kind of leap frogged each other every time me and my dad stopped for a walk break. She was so good to encourage me and keep me going. She finished about a minute before us. She has ran so many marathons and is planning on running the Ogden. This race was her "warm up" run. She said she hasn't really been running much. I wonder how that would be to just go out and conquer 18 miles without even trying. She was fun to be with because everyone knew who she was.

Here comes Russie! I love this girl. I don't even know her but I really like her. We met while doing this circuit. This run was the longest she has ever done. She is signed up to do the half in Ogden but we are trying to talk her into doing the full because she is so close. We ran this race together up until around mile 9.
Ron & Russie. Ron ran the entire race with Russie. He is also trying to talk her into doing the Full. He is an awesome person to run with. He has ran so many marathons and ultras that he doesn't care how fast or slow he runs. He cheered us on the entire time. He is also a walking pharmacy. Anything you need, he has it. He supplied both me and Russie with pain meds on the run. Russie said she felt like she had her own personal cheerleader in Ron.
Russie and her hubby Jed
Shaylee Manning. I didn't see her during the race but found her at the end.
Natalie Anderson and her hubby Ken. I went to school with Natalie and she runs lightening fast. She finished women's 3rd overall in this circuit. I can't imagine running that fast.

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