Date: Sunday, May 1st
The Plan: Me and my dad were going to run 23 miles while my mom and aunt Jodi ran about 10.5. They all met me at Jensen's Park in Syracuse, which was the finish line for both of our routes. My aunt Jodi left her car there because obviously she and my mom were going to finish before me and my dad. I also left my car because after my mom finished her run she was going to go to my house to watch the two younger kids while Jeremy and Ava rode their bikes to meet me and my dad on our course. We all piled into my dad's car and headed to the start line, the top of 193 (near mountain road). As you can tell, we like this route.
How it Went: It is always an adventure just getting to the starting line. In the past, when I run these long distances, I always get extremely nauseous and feel like I am going to throw up. It is the worst feeling in the world and makes me swear off all future running. I did a lot of Googling and found that my electrolytes being out of whack could be causing my nauseousness. This would make sense because I never carry Gatorade or anything with electrolytes on my practice runs, just water. But during races I have been making sure to drink Gatorade and haven't felt the nauseousness afterwards. So for this run I packed a bottle of Gatorade and told my dad I wanted to plant it at mile 10. I would pick it up and we could carry it until it was gone. I also gave a bottle to Jeremy for when he met me later on. After dropping it off where mile 10 was my dad realized he hadn't taken any Advil. No one had any in the car so he turned the car around and went back to the park to get some. Now we were off....well until I made the announcement we better make a bathroom stop. Hey, I wasn't the only one who had to go. By the time we got going again Jodi was asking if all of this was really worth it. She was wondering if she was going to make it back home that day.
Finally at the starting line, we had just pulled in a parking spot when all of a sudden the two back doors of the car flew open and my mom and Jodi jumped out and took off. It was the craziest thing because they just took off so fast. Me and my dad looked at each other like we had missed something. Before we knew it they were up the hill and taking off. They didn't even say good-bye or anything. We couldn't stop laughing.
Me and Tom took some time to stretch and of course take "starting line" pictures. Then we were off. I was totally excited about this run. I had mentally prepared for it and I thought I was physically ready for it. The first 8 miles of the run were awesome. We talked most of the way and it went pretty fast. We did make a brief stop at a bathroom for Tom around mile 5 but that is our new mentality. If we have to go, then we stop and go. We don't force ourselves to run in discomfort like we did before. That is one more thing we have learned along the way. Stop if you need to. We caught up to Jodi at about mile 8 and my mom around mile 9. At mile 10 we went our separate ways. Me and my dad kept heading down Gentile while my mom and Jodi's route took them into Jensen's Park. This is where I popped 3 Tylenol. Yep. My IT band was starting to hurt. I was also starting to feel sluggish. I tried to rally myself and find some inner strength. We were taking our usual Gu along the way and now drinking the Gatorade but I could feel I didn't have my usual pep. By mile 12.5 I was starting to feel a need to go to the bathroom. Not urgent but I could tell it was there. In my mind I was trying to determine if I could force myself the remaining 10 miles or if I should knock on a door or find a ditch somewhere. I could never bring myself to knock on some random door. I mean what do you say? "Hi, you don't know me but I was just out running and I was wondering if I could go test out your toilet?" Nope. I would rather find a ditch. I tried to ignore the need to go but with the pain in my leg and the general sluggishness I was feeling, I just couldn't ignore it. I was starting to slow down. My dad was putting some distance between us. I couldn't take it anymore. At mile 13.5 I left some fresh manure in some guy's field. With a new sense of energy I took off running down the road to try and catch my dad. He instantly asked if I was ok. The whole time he thought I was just behind him. He had no idea I was a few blocks behind. My new energy didn't last long. I asked for a Cliff Bar hoping to get some fuel. Just after mile 14.5 Jeremy pulled up next to us and handed off some Gatorade and Vaseline for my dad. He then left us to go park the truck so him and Ava could meet us on their bikes. We kept running. We had stopped talking long ago. I could tell my dad was in a zone. He was consistently ahead of me and the distance between us was gaining. I was out of it. My knee and leg were annoying me. I kept adjusting my leg brace but it was doing no good. I would stop and stretch but no improvement. I now know I should have just stopped and quit because I probably did more harm than good by pushing on. Around the mile 17 mark I just kept thinking that once I saw Ava and Jeremy I would get a second wind, that seeing them would push me on. We met them on the trail around mile 18. By mile 19 my dad and I were no longer running together. I was just trying to survive on my own. My dad looked so strong. He just kept going. He had great rhythm. After mile 20 I could no longer see him. Ava stayed with him and Jeremy hung back with me. It was so hot and I was so hungry. My leg was throbbing. I couldn't even stop to take my one minute walk breaks because it hurt worse to start up again. I tried to maintain a slow jog. At one point I sat on the path and stretched but couldn't even stand up. Around mile 21 I was limping and crying. I composed myself and tried a slow jog again but the crying started back up and I was walking again. At mile 22 I told myself to get going again but once I hit the parking lot I didn't care that my watch only read 22.65. I COULD NOT make myself go any farther. I WAS DONE!
I found my dad stretching in the park and was so proud of him. He looked so good. His watch read 23!
I haven't run since that last long run and have scheduled myself for a few physical therapy sessions. My dad and mom continue to run their weekly miles. I am so glad my dad has had a few great runs where he finished so strong. My plan of attack is to go to physical therapy and do whatever he tells me to do. I don't plan on doing much running until the marathon. Everything I read about IT problems is rest rest rest. So hopefully, even though I won't have done much running, I will feel strong by marathon day.
Distance: 22.65
Time: 4:08:37
Pace: 10:59/min/mile
Distance: 23.0
Time: 4:04
Pace: 10:36/min/mile
Temperature: 50's
Time of day: 1:26 p.m.
Distance: 22.65
Time: 4:08:37
Pace: 10:59/min/mile
Distance: 23.0
Time: 4:04
Pace: 10:36/min/mile
Temperature: 50's
Time of day: 1:26 p.m.
Before heading to the starting line I snapped a few pics
My mom and Jodi seriously just took off without saying anything. I hurried for the camera and snapped a few before they were out of sight.
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