Tom got home Friday so today we went out for a long run. I wanted to try a new route that I had in my head. I have ran pieces of it but wanted to see if I could come up with 7 miles. We started at Cami's house and headed out to Hwy 89 (where washington and harrison blvds come together). We ran west for a few miles and then headed south into a neighborhood. Finally we ran down towards the Ogden Athletic Club and into the "bowl" as I call it. Then up and out and back towards Cami's.
I felt like this route was a ton of hills. Not necessarily steep hills, although a few I would have liked to have walked, but a constant uphill nonetheless. My dad acted like he couldn't feel them at all. Normally when we run a long run we run the first mile as a warm-up and then start our 5 run - 1 walk ratio. But this time my dad suggested we just walk as needed to see how we feel. I told him I would let him judge on when we should walk. He chose NOT to walk AT ALL. There were a few steep climbs that I thought for sure he would stop and walk on but he didn't! Way to go Tom. He rarely makes it up a steep hill without walking. That's not being rude. It's just what he does. I think he has a mental block when it comes to hills. Plus he doesn't really need to run uphill because his walking stride is faster than my running when it comes to the uphill battle. There were a few times when I wanted to stop and walk but I kept telling myself that if he wasn't going to walk then neither was I. The only walk break we got on the entire 7 mile run was the hill coming out of the bowl. But I don't count this as a walk break because this sucker is so steep there is no recovery while on it.
Way to go dad. Today I can honestly say you pushed me pretty hard. Great workout!
I felt like this route was a ton of hills. Not necessarily steep hills, although a few I would have liked to have walked, but a constant uphill nonetheless. My dad acted like he couldn't feel them at all. Normally when we run a long run we run the first mile as a warm-up and then start our 5 run - 1 walk ratio. But this time my dad suggested we just walk as needed to see how we feel. I told him I would let him judge on when we should walk. He chose NOT to walk AT ALL. There were a few steep climbs that I thought for sure he would stop and walk on but he didn't! Way to go Tom. He rarely makes it up a steep hill without walking. That's not being rude. It's just what he does. I think he has a mental block when it comes to hills. Plus he doesn't really need to run uphill because his walking stride is faster than my running when it comes to the uphill battle. There were a few times when I wanted to stop and walk but I kept telling myself that if he wasn't going to walk then neither was I. The only walk break we got on the entire 7 mile run was the hill coming out of the bowl. But I don't count this as a walk break because this sucker is so steep there is no recovery while on it.
Way to go dad. Today I can honestly say you pushed me pretty hard. Great workout!
Distance: 7.05 miles
Time: 1:09:22
Pace: 9:50/min/mile
Temperature: 35 degrees
Time of Day: 11:00 a.m.