Sunday, November 27, 2011

New Route

This past week my dad and Todd both went out of town for Thanksgiving. My dad sent me this picture of him before one of his midweek runs in Laughlin, Nevada. Check out that scenery. Todd also did a run in St. George. But no pics.

Tom got home Friday so today we went out for a long run. I wanted to try a new route that I had in my head. I have ran pieces of it but wanted to see if I could come up with 7 miles. We started at Cami's house and headed out to Hwy 89 (where washington and harrison blvds come together). We ran west for a few miles and then headed south into a neighborhood. Finally we ran down towards the Ogden Athletic Club and into the "bowl" as I call it. Then up and out and back towards Cami's.

I felt like this route was a ton of hills. Not necessarily steep hills, although a few I would have liked to have walked, but a constant uphill nonetheless. My dad acted like he couldn't feel them at all. Normally when we run a long run we run the first mile as a warm-up and then start our 5 run - 1 walk ratio. But this time my dad suggested we just walk as needed to see how we feel. I told him I would let him judge on when we should walk. He chose NOT to walk AT ALL. There were a few steep climbs that I thought for sure he would stop and walk on but he didn't! Way to go Tom. He rarely makes it up a steep hill without walking. That's not being rude. It's just what he does. I think he has a mental block when it comes to hills. Plus he doesn't really need to run uphill because his walking stride is faster than my running when it comes to the uphill battle. There were a few times when I wanted to stop and walk but I kept telling myself that if he wasn't going to walk then neither was I. The only walk break we got on the entire 7 mile run was the hill coming out of the bowl. But I don't count this as a walk break because this sucker is so steep there is no recovery while on it.

Way to go dad. Today I can honestly say you pushed me pretty hard. Great workout!



Distance: 7.05 miles
Time: 1:09:22
Pace: 9:50/min/mile
Temperature: 35 degrees
Time of Day: 11:00 a.m.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Another 7 @ Ogden Airport

This morning Todd and I tackled the Ogden Airport again. We are doing a few weeks of 7 miles to make sure we have a good base of 7. Our training schedule starts us at 7 so we need to be comfortable with that. We ran in the opposite direction than we did last week. This gave us more uphill. We were supposed to run yesterday but the weather wasn't that great so we put it off until today. Unfortunately Tom couldn't make it at the time we went so he took off later today and did 7 around his neighborhood.

The run was great. Todd did much better this week. He seemed much stronger and more consistent than last week. He pushed me hard on the uphill. Usually I slow down on the uphill but he kept us at our normal pace.

As we were getting ready to start Todd tells me he got me something. I was like, oh how sweet. Then I started laughing when I saw what it was. It was his high school soccer captain band. My dad and Todd tease me about being the "team captain" because I am the one who coordinates everything. Hey! Someone has to pull these guys together or they would never be prepared!



Distance: 7.00 miles
Time: 1:08:37
Pace: 9:48/min/mile
Temperature: 33 degrees
Time of Day: 9:30 a.m.


Distance: 7.01 miles
Time: 1:09:00
Pace: 9:50/min/mile
Temperature: 35 degrees
Time of Day: 12:00 p.m.

When Todd jumped out of his car he yelled, "I'm a runner now!" He was all proud of the new running pants and shorts he got. He has new shoes coming for Christmas. He said he totally felt a difference in temperature control.

Luv'd runnin' with ya bro! (wow! not a great pic of me)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Good until the SNOW came

Well yesterday's run started out good until the last 1.5 miles, which we ran in blowing snow. We went around the Ogden Airport again but extended the loop and ran it in the opposite direction than we usually do. We got a little more downhill this way.

I think we all felt OK. Tom got stronger during the last mile whereas I was done. I think Todd would have been happy stopping at 5 or 6. I found out that he lifted weights and did an ab workout before our run. Last night he ended up in the emergency room with constant throwing up and severe pain. Don't worry, he's OK today. It didn't help that we were all sick this week with colds but I think he had the worst of it. Next time maybe he won't do the other workouts. Running is hard enough by itself. Next week will be the same distance so hopefully we will all be recovered by then.


Distance: 7.00 miles
Time: 1:10:34
Pace: 10:05/min/mile
Temperature: 32 degrees
Time of Day: 11:30 a.m.

If you look closely you can see the snow blowing sideways. My eyes were stinging because they kept getting hit with snow. It was really hard to see where you were going.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Team is Back Together...with a new member

Meet our new member: bro. He's done a few half marathons and wanted to try a full this time.

We got together for our first run together in a long time. It felt good to get out there...even though it was so cold. I don't know if I am ready to run in these temperatures just yet. Our official training doesn't start for a few more weeks but I wanted to get started to make sure we had the base we are supposed to have and to get in rhythm with our newest running partner.

We headed off to the Ogden airport to do a 5 miler. All in all I think we are good to go. Hopefully we can complete this training with no injury. Here we go....


Distance: 5.00 miles
Time: 49:54
Pace: 9:59/min/mile
Temperature: 32 degrees
Time of Day: 8:30 a.m.

We are a good lookin' bunch

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We're at it AGAIN

Yup! That's right. Tom and I decided to sign up for the Ogden Marathon again. I'm not sure what the motivation is to do it again but we signed up anyways. We also signed up for the Striders Winter Racing Circuit again.

From what I understand many of my family members are signing up for the half marathon again too. My sister-in-law Shay and her friend are also doing the full and the running circuit. So it should be another good year of running.

Stay tuned to read about each of our long runs and anything else I decide to throw in here. Oh and also to learn who the newest member of the Daddy Daughter Running team is going to be.