Sunday, November 20, 2011

Another 7 @ Ogden Airport

This morning Todd and I tackled the Ogden Airport again. We are doing a few weeks of 7 miles to make sure we have a good base of 7. Our training schedule starts us at 7 so we need to be comfortable with that. We ran in the opposite direction than we did last week. This gave us more uphill. We were supposed to run yesterday but the weather wasn't that great so we put it off until today. Unfortunately Tom couldn't make it at the time we went so he took off later today and did 7 around his neighborhood.

The run was great. Todd did much better this week. He seemed much stronger and more consistent than last week. He pushed me hard on the uphill. Usually I slow down on the uphill but he kept us at our normal pace.

As we were getting ready to start Todd tells me he got me something. I was like, oh how sweet. Then I started laughing when I saw what it was. It was his high school soccer captain band. My dad and Todd tease me about being the "team captain" because I am the one who coordinates everything. Hey! Someone has to pull these guys together or they would never be prepared!



Distance: 7.00 miles
Time: 1:08:37
Pace: 9:48/min/mile
Temperature: 33 degrees
Time of Day: 9:30 a.m.


Distance: 7.01 miles
Time: 1:09:00
Pace: 9:50/min/mile
Temperature: 35 degrees
Time of Day: 12:00 p.m.

When Todd jumped out of his car he yelled, "I'm a runner now!" He was all proud of the new running pants and shorts he got. He has new shoes coming for Christmas. He said he totally felt a difference in temperature control.

Luv'd runnin' with ya bro! (wow! not a great pic of me)

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